Saturday, November 8, 2008

It's "OUR" Time

President-elect Barack Obama spoke three words that can both disturb and inspire the American people: “It’s our time.” It would be far too transparent and superficial to focus only on the obvious responses to that statement. Supporters of the progressive candidate are no doubt enthralled that maybe (finally) they will “get theirs” (from a post-election Obama supporter’s comments). The conflicting messages of “let’s build one nation of equals,” versus “only if you’re one of ‘us’,” are confusing to opponents. However, those are not my topics.

It is historically accurate that power brokers have guided our national policy, often at the expense of the under served. For those who are feeling the weight of defeat, perhaps it is our time to encourage those who are unfamiliar with achievement to accept authority and accountability. Perhaps it is our time to offer enlightenment into the challenges of success, and mentor the ambitious who have had fewer opportunities.

For those feeling the rapture of victory, perhaps it is our time to shape a productive reality that will far exceed the imaginings of the world. Perhaps it is our time to offer conclusive proof that our platform and philosophy would not limit or discriminate based on creed, color, or origin. It’s our time to play an active and ongoing role in building a vibrant and sustainable future.

Nevertheless, I must offer warnings, both to those who are called upon to step aside and to those who hope to step up. There are logical and predictable consequences to both reckless abandonment and rushing headlong into unfamiliar territory. Either (or both) can have catastrophic outcomes if enacted improperly.

If the risk-takers, investors, innovators, and employers withdraw from their industries, we will jeopardize the stability of the nation. If our decades of sacrifice and expertise are withheld out of fear that we will be penalized for success, then everyone will suffer. Only by sharing our knowledge with those who will strive to succeed, can we regain the “former glory” of our great nation.

If we, who have been deprived of position and accomplishment in the past, are forced to create abundance without sufficient preparation, we are set up for failure. To build upon the economic, political, social, environmental, and scientific foundations for which the world once held us in high esteem, we must rely on the proven tenants of success that have worked in the past. But we must study and be receptive to examples and models in order to emulate success, now that our time has come.

It seems that in the greatest society, the word “OUR” should have the broadest definition possible. Cultures that are striving to make lasting contributions to the advancement of humankind will abhor the constant reversals of “who gets to be on top.” By demanding any more or having diminished expectations of any category of people within a nation, reinforces disparity and constricts the word “our” until it becomes meaningless.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

In spite of unprecedented erosion of the economic and moral foundations of our nation, the political establishment has accelerated the world’s oldest campaign strategy. With little regard for the historical origins of our national crises, we are inundated solely with subtle accusations and the blatant disregard for accountability. The platforms presented for our consideration are the candidates’ “blame to fame.”

There are three primary arenas of blame that both parties are promoting: historical, positional, and what I will call “mis-directed.” All three are issued at the expense of any personal liability. It is a mystical absolution of culpability, which seeks to distract us by pointing at opponents’ past (and present) affiliations. A populace that accepts these distractions is destined for suffering and decline.

By “historical blame”, I refer to an attitude of entitlement—advanced equally by both major parties. Conservatives claim exclusive license to wealth and power by virtue (used sarcastically) of risk, sacrifice, and investment. It is a belief that these three entitle them to pardon, since they bear the burdens of a successful nation. Liberals assert their historical absolution by claiming victimization and destitution, while coveting all they lack. For both, resting on the circumstances of the past diminished the potential for contribution to resolutions to present conditions and future opportunities for growth.

“Positional blame” accounts for one of the most corrosive elements that erode the surface of the monument to our nation’s success. Liberals claim a repression of the class system, like some inescapable captivity that will always over-ride man’s innate potential. Conservatives claim that an obligation accompanies their position of success and a commitment to govern the unmotivated. Only by elevating accountability for success and responsible governance can we all experience the rewards of a successful society.

“Mis-directed blame” is the broader umbrella under which the previous two function. The standard default, adopted (increasingly) by members of every demographic, is that blame for all social ills rests squarely on the opposition. Claims that one (single) member of the other party is responsible for this problem or that failure. These accusations are all presented in spite of evidence of involvement—and even promotion—of policies that contributed to the dilemma (insert your own societal quandary here).

The failures at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mack (among other financial entities) were the direct product of two opposing greeds. Greed for home ownership without sacrifice or planning, and greed for providing loans to the unqualified. And in spite of these two realities, the only contributing factors that are communicated in the media depend on who is speaking. These contrasting views direct blame outward and seem incapable of accepting any accountability.

However, it is important to clarify a critical variable that is at the foundation of our current economic turmoil. A variable that both liberals and conservatives have played a role in promoting. Through active encouragement, or intentional indifference, the attitude that all people are OWED the same success, happiness, possessions, and authority has had the net effect of undermining the foundations of our society. The last time I read the historical documents of our nation, we were promised the “pursuit of happiness,” not its guarantee.

Men and women who have the courage to recognize inconsistencies in their personal philosophy, and take decisive action to amend wrongs reverse history daily. Although it seems a small percentage, people expand beyond the stereotypes of their position to accept accountability for their success within the parameters of human integrity. Moreover, millions of us (regular guys and gals) recognize that blaming others seldom advances individual, community, or national abundance. Only by defining responsibility as a personal role can we rebuild the greatness this nation once knew.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Accountability and Change

I cannot apologize for being rather conservative. Yet, in this initial post, I will assure you that as an analytic thinker, I will attempt to communicate ideas based on logic and fact, not emotion and blind ideology. In this, the most socially charged election year in recent history, it is vital that we strive for equilibrium between feeling and thoughtfulness.

This year’s political process (like many before) has hijacked a word from the English lexicon to advance two opposing platforms. The word (I shudder to say it) is “change.” And regardless of your party affiliation, your degree of political bias or your disgust with abuses that have compromised the intent of our founding fathers, CHANGE IS INEVITABLE. It is amusing to me that multiple parties and candidates are claiming exclusive license to a concept that will manifest in spite of the process.

Our challenge, if we are to cultivate a more robust, and unified nation is how we—not just elected officials—respond to change. Political figures have become practiced illusionists that have perfected the graceful hand movements that magicians use to misdirect an audience from the deception of the trick. When we—the paying audience—focus on the misdirection, then “ooo” and “aaaah” with amazement, we prove ourselves to be a gullible electorate. The “Look, I’ve got your nose” gag may work for us again in just a few decades.

It is vital that we each claim exclusive license to the word “accountability.” It’s true that we must consistently communicate our expectations to every nominee in our republic. It’s true that we must maintain vigilance (well beyond election years) and encourage behaviors that benefit our society, and not just special interest. It’s true that we must forewarn of consequences for even the slightest betrayals, and enforce the penalties equitably, regardless of our affiliation with those who breach our trust. But there’s another level to your exclusive license to the word “accountability.”

Each legal citizen and immigrant who is seeking formal naturalization must develop a renewed sense of personal responsibility for the success of our communities and nation. The “I’m just in it for my ideals” mentality has been proven a failure. The “It’s the other party’s fault” assumption is evidence of blind allegiance. No national failure, disgrace, limitation, or success is the result of one person, one party, or one elected term. Only when we recognize our accountability for making the process, the economy and the advancement of all people a priority will we begin to make progress towards consistent innovation, integrity, trust and character.

To cultivate a compassionate society, it is essential that we consider how our political, economic and social decisions will impact the good of the many, without overlooking the underserved. Yet the betrayal of common reason and the advancement of “feel-good” solutions (by conservatives and liberals) seldom have meaningful, lasting benefits that outweigh the rational consequences of our quick-fix. I will encourage you to seek (like a personal quest) ways to cultivate your commitment to the success of others, and the cooperation (and accountability) among our elected officials. Everything we’ve tried (and most of what we’ve proposed) isn’t working, so we must prepare for increased accountability in the change that is ahead.